We are passionate leaders who envision a world where no child has to suffer from abuse and neglect.

Because now matters

Every day in Kalamazoo County, an average of 13 new cases of child abuse and neglect are reported but many more go unnoticed and unreported. It is the mission of the Kalamazoo Children’s Alliance to advocate for the safety and well-being of all children in Kalamazoo County.

Through training, education, and universally available resources, we seek to treat and prevent child abuse and neglect in all cases. At KCA, we believe that knowledge is power in preventing abuse which is why education is our central focus.

Whether you need an advocate or want to become one, the Kalamazoo Children’s Alliance can help you take a stand against child abuse and neglect because now matters.

VISION and values

The future of our society is dependent upon our children and their opportunity to fulfill their potential. We have a moral commitment to be involved in that process. We have a duty to take an active stance and be innovative in fulfillment of this commitment. We believe that every child has a right to a safe and joyful childhood!


If you have a passion for standing against child abuse & neglect and would like to commit to a continual hands on engagement, we welcome you to join our Board of Directors. For those interested in joining the Board of Directors, we currently have open seats for these positions:


General Public


A Local Religious Leader

A Local Business Leader

Please reach out to Erika Hamlet at executivedirector@kzoochildrensalliance.org for more information and next steps.

OUR staff

Erika Hamlet

Marjorie Vaughan

Samantha Kuebler


Bobbi Casey


Amanda Heitman


Jaynie Fawley

Christina Quick

Kelly Kucinich

Chris Ann Johnson

Darice Darby


Alexis McKendrick

Kelsey Arnold

Kristine Schomisch

Brenda O’Rourke

Ashley Drenth

Salina Johnson