April Is Child Abuse Prevention Month!

Join us in the month of April as we raise awareness, education and change for the children of Kalamazoo County! 

Stand Against Abuse & Neglect

Since 1983, April has been designated by presidential decree, as Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month. During CAP Month we assert and reinforce the importance of strengthening our families with individuals and communities working together to prevent child maltreatment. This strengths-based approach helps ensure that all our children will be raised in loving and supportive environments that result in them becoming productive, prosperous citizens. 

In order to do this, we must raise funds to adequately provide the child abuse and neglect prevention programming for our community. The Kalamazoo County Abuse & Neglect Prevention Council, has multiple programs that are effective and necessary in the fight against child abuse & neglect. Those programs include, Kids Are Special (a sexual abuse education & prevention program), free Mandated Reporter Trainings to the community as well as a Family Helpbook that assists families identify resources for support in times of need.

The following list are the fundraisers and partnerships that will be happening in our community during the month of April. Please show your support by attending an event or supporting our local advocate partners! Preventing abuse takes a community!

Thank you to all of our community partners and supporters for a successful Child Abuse Prevention Month! Check out all of the events & fundraisers we had this past April!

2022 CAP Month Fundraisers & Events:

Date Event Time & Place
April 1st, 2022 CAP Month Starts

All the Time


April 8th, 2022 Advocates Against Abuse Awareness Event


601 W Maple St. Kalamazoo MI 49001

April 11th Pizza for Prevention


Blaze Pizza (5015 W Main St. Kalamazoo MI 49009)


April 18, 2022 Noodles Against Neglect


Noodles & Company (6150 S Westnedge Ave. Portage Mi 49002)

All Month Long $1 from every BLUE drink is donated to KCAN

 Old Burdicks

Brick & Brine

All Month Long 10% of promo price donated to KCAN

Radisson Hotel & Plaza

Link:  Book Now to donate 10% to KCAN!

All Month Long 15% of Mental Health Matters apparel is donated to KCAN

Ally Cats Design Co.

Link: https://allycatdesigns.co/

All Month Long Pinwheels For Prevention Donation Station Samson’s Barbershop
All Month Long Pinwheels For Prevention Donation Station Main St Pub
All Month Long Pinwheels For Prevention Donation Station Mason Jar Plant Shop



Please consider a donation or sponsorship of one of our events so that we can continue providing our services to the community of Kalamazoo. These events are run by volunteers therefore your donations go towards our services.

Thank you to the following sponsors for their generous contributions.

Contact Info

1608 Lake Street, office 119
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001

(269) 552-4430

Follow Us On

Children can’t protect themselves and need our help! Consider making a tax-deductible gift to Kalamazoo Children’s Alliance today!

Best of all, you’ll know that your support will be used to prevent child abuse and neglect right here in Kalamazoo County. We are deeply grateful for your support.

Our online PayPal system is fast and easy to use. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express (both credit cards and debit cards). You’ll automatically receive a receipt and thank you by email. All donations are encrypted and confidential for your security.